近日,日内瓦国际发明展(International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva)评审结果公布,副校长兼学院院长马国伟教授领衔研发的“装配式混凝土3D打印步行桥成套技术(3D concrete printing technologies for prefabricated pedestrian bridge)”荣获金奖,该项目由马国伟、王里、周健、李之建共同完成,充分展示了河北工业大学3D打印先进建造技术创新成果在国际上的影响力和领先水平。
Automation and intelligent construction technologies are urgently needed to innovate and ensure that the construction productivity are in a more sustainable manner. This project proposes 3D concrete printing technologies for pedestrian bridge that integrate BIM virtual simulation technology, 3D printing robotic, adaptive path planning algorithm, high performance concrete, 3D laser scanning technology, Internet of things and health monitoring system, etc. The proposed 3D concrete printing technologies have been successfully applied into one pedestrian bridge that has been certificated by the Guinness World Record and highly praised by many international experts.
The International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva benefits from the most extensive support and privileges that can be granted to an exhibition. It is under the patronage of the Swiss Federal Government, the State, the City of Geneva and of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and International Federation of Inventors Associations (IFIA). This support testifies to the usefulness and quality of the event, now acknowledged as the most important exhibition of inventions anywhere today. It is also the most international, with the participation of more than 50 countries.